Often, little attention is given or acknowledged to many educators who may experience trauma. When any forms of trauma are disregarded, educators suffer silently and may leave the field of education that they love to do. As a result, students may lose out on the high-powered, effective, and influential impact these individuals could have made on their lives. Families lose out on home-school partnerships, leaving schools with deficient qualified teachers. Creating a trauma-informed approach that includes educators must be considered and enacted for the well-being of all parties involved.
This professional development will honor educators by allowing time and space to examine several areas of trauma and how it may affect their practice, families, and the school environment. Educators will be given time to share true feelings in a space of comfort, peace, and understanding while practicing tools and sharing giveaways for application.
Register Here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/5tafhpf/lp/cf98b6b5-6c2b-403c-b21e-d5bb44a5abb0